Pat Ezzo ACBT
Over 600 hours in Shiatsu Training at the International School of Shiatsu in Doylestown, PA
Shiatsu offers a way to energetically support changes in your life. I try to meet each client where they are, physically, emotionally and energetically and help them expand their self-awareness on a path that is right and comfortable for them. I do not enter a treatment relationship with pre-conceived notions of what progress a client "should" make. I try to respond to the client's needs on a treatment by treatment basis, supporting whatever level of change is appropriate for that client, that day.
I practice shiatsu because of the changes it has helped me create in my own life, and the perspective it has helped me achieve on a day to day basis.
When I'm not helping clients, I am usually chasing my little ones around! (Human and canine)